Virtual: Acute Pancreatitis in the Dog: Update on New Approaches in Therapy

Virtual: Acute Pancreatitis in the Dog: Update on New Approaches in Therapy

Scheduled - Virtual


Acute pancreatitis in the canine is a complex disease both in the diagnosis, clinical complications and the medical management.  This session will cover the important highlights in the diagnosis and management.  There are new approaches in the therapy of pancreatitis including the importance of rapid initiation of therapy, the role of pain management, antiemetics and nutrition.  We now know that autodigestion is not the primary factor causing acute pancreatitis but rather local inflammation from neutrophil migration into the pancreatic tissue determines the severity of disease.  Blocking neutrophil migration cna be accomplished with the drug fuzapladib.  We will also discuss how to monitor and manage patients released from the hospital. Sponsored By: Royal Canine
Primary Discipline
Small Animal
Secondary Discipline
CE Credit


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