Virtual: Current Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Management of Mitral Valve Disease in Dogs

Virtual: Current Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Management of Mitral Valve Disease in Dogs

Streaming - Virtual
CardiologyDiagnosticsInternal Medicine


This session is livestreamed from VMX Orlando. Mitral valve disease in dogs is a degenerative process associated with aging that is particularly common in small breed dogs, with progressive stages that span from the dog at risk, to subclinical disease, to heart failure and death. Current management of mitral valve disease is guided by consensus panel guidelines and recent randomized trials of therapy, but applying consensus recommendations and keeping up to date with current literature can be challenging in daily practice. This session briefly reviews the progression of mitral valve disease across a dog’s lifespan, focusing on a diagnostic approach for the primary care veterinarian to correctly identify these stages. Then, the recommended treatment for each stage is considered, again emphasizing clinical strategies for the general practitioner. The attendee will learn practical clinical approaches to the management of mitral valve disease in dogs that are based upon current science. Presented by: Boehringer Ingelheim
Primary Discipline
Small Animal
Secondary Discipline
CE Credit


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