Cannabinoids and Neurons: So Much More Than Pain These Days!

Cannabinoids and Neurons: So Much More Than Pain These Days!

Monday, January 15, 2024 10:50 AM to 11:40 AM · 50 min. (America/New_York)
S330 E
Animal WelfareBehaviorNeurology


In this lecture we will touch on the endocannabinoidome and its far reaches into the use in seizure management, anxiety and even pruritus! There is increasing evidence that cannabidiol products can be used to treat refractory seizures and the studies will be discussed delving into drug-drug interactions that may or may not be occurring. Further successful case management will be discussed. There will be further exploration into the use of cannabinoids in managing anxiety and situational and chronic dosing may differ as well as how tricky finding the best dose for management can be elusive and why further clinical behavioral studies are necessary. Presented by: Ellevet Sciences
Primary Discipline
Small Animal
Secondary Discipline
CE Credit


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