CBD/CBDA Rich Hemp: A Look Into Use for Exotic and Zoo Animals

CBD/CBDA Rich Hemp: A Look Into Use for Exotic and Zoo Animals

Monday, January 15, 2024 8:00 AM to 8:50 AM · 50 min. (America/New_York)
S330 E
AnesthesiologyAnimal WelfareBehavior


The use of CBD rich hemp is increasing in veterinary medicine and since all mammals have an endocannabinoid system treatment may be achievable. However, the dosing from across species may vary due to size and herbivore/carnivore status. The limited scientific literature and proposed dosing will be discussed. Case studies in wild cats, hoof stock and avian species will be presented to provide some guidelines for use when practitioners are finding that traditional pharmaceuticals are ineffective. Anxiety behaviors and pain appear to be the most treatable conditions and application of these nutraceuticals requires some creativity at times. Presented by: Ellevet Sciences
Primary Discipline
Small Animal
Secondary Discipline
Exotic Companion Mammal
CE Credit


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