Tick Tidbits: Novel Insights & Protection Updates on These Tiny Troublemakers (Elanco) - Industry Lunch

Tick Tidbits: Novel Insights & Protection Updates on These Tiny Troublemakers (Elanco) - Industry Lunch

Saturday, January 13, 2024 12:45 PM to 1:45 PM · 1 hr. (America/New_York)
S210 B


Ticks pose a health risk to companion animals as nuisance blood-feeding pests and through the numerous pathogens they can vector. The lone star tick (Amblyomma americanum) is a common tick found on canines and humans in the U.S. and can serve as a vector of several significant tick-borne pathogens, including agents of ehrlichiosis and spotted fever rickettsiosis. Lone star ticks also prove a robust challenge for canine tick control products and are considered a rate-limiting tick species. This presentation will review: geographic regions where lone star ticks are found; risk of encountering lone star ticks; lone star tick associated pathogens and what’s known about their transmission timing; and, control and prevention of ticks to reduce risk tick-borne diseases in canines and humans. Finally, this presentation will describe and compare the speed of lone star tick kill on dogs administered one of three, monthly-dosed, tick control products to control existing and new lone star tick infestations over each product’s label-approved dosing period. Presented by: Elanco Animal Health
Primary Discipline
Small Animal
CE Credit


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